Sunday, August 4, 2013

The Loaded Plates

On Saturday, Benjamin and I went to my cousin's baptism. My mom wanted to take us, along with my brother Jon, to Olive Garden for dinner while we were in town. I talked to Ben and Jon about the plan while we ate outside, making sure it was okay. Then I called my mother while the boys both disappeared into the house. 

"Hey mom," I said. "Do you still want to go to Olive Garden?" 

"Can Jon make it?" She asked. 

"Yeah, he says he doesn't have other plans." 

"What time would we be going?" My mom went to bed pretty early. I checked my iPod; it was a little before four. 
"We're leaving in just a minute, and then we can go. Does that work for you?" 

"Yeah, we'll see you in a bit." 

Just as I was hanging up the phone, Ben was coming out of the house, carrying a plate loaded with food. I gave him a look. 

"What?" he asked, popping a strawberry into his mouth. 

I gave him another look. "Did you know we're going to Olive Garden after this?

"Yep," he said, "I remember you saying something about going Olive Garden." He picked up a piece of watermelon and put it in his mouth. I rolled my eyes.

That's when I saw Jon coming towards us, also carrying a plate. It was loaded with chicken salad. 

I sighed. "I give up." 


  1. I think it's a good idea to read my post after you read this one. This is a story where you need to read both sides.

  2. I felt like this post was written in response to Benjamins anecdotal lesson 'Understanding Women 101'. Uniquely, this post seemed inconclusive whereas Bens was quite conclusive: He has yet to graduate Understanding Women 101 :)

  3. I actually always write my posts first. We decide on a story to both write about, but we're not allowed to read each other's until they are both published. His usually end up with more of a story to them though :)

  4. I guess what I really meant was that your story and Ben's seemed to have different conclusions. I loved how yours ended with an air of futility with men in general--the whole 'I give up' with the second plate of food. I was trying to be analytical, not demeaning in any way. By the way, Melissa and I both look forward to your blog posts every Sunday. Keep 'em coming!
